March 31, 2007 Rivers School, Weston, MA. 29th Annual Seminar on Contemporary, Music for the Young

11:30 Festival of the Animals: Concert for Children
Miniature Diversions, Op. 15:
I. Serenade
IV. Scherzino
Julie Richardson-piano

Reminiscences and Reflections, Op. 46
Fugue in D
Ruth Richardson, piano

4:30 Song and Dance
Four Pieces in Familiar Style, Op. 41 Larry Bell
Sonata in Two Parts Chang
Which Side Are You On? Gorski
The Cat and The Moon Gorski
Four-Voice Fugue Chang
Enchi & Jerway Chang; Sasha & Sally Gorski, violin duos

From: Reminscences and Reflections, Op. 46:
V. Prelude in E Recitative
V. Fugue in E
Suhanna Ng, piano

from: Remininscences and Reflections, Op. 46 #6:
Prelude in F Sentimental Muse, Fugue in F
Martin Falk, piano

From: Reminscences and Reflections, Op. 46:
Prelude in F# Backward Glances, Fugue in F#
Evan Rees, piano

6:00: Extended Playing Techniques
from: The Book of Moonlight, Op. 31
II Interlude
Kelsey Woerner, violin Erli Veizi, piano

From: Reminscences and Reflections, Op. 46:
VIII. Prelude in G Song and Dance
VIII Fugue in G
Sophie Leung, piano